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Christmas Chess Party 2024 U1800 クリスマス U1800

Last update 04.12.2024 03:30:07, Creator/Last Upload: NCS

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Alphabetical list

1Akiyama Kairi1465
2Asamitsu Genki1311
3Furuse Mizuki1531
4Hatfield Eugene1494
5Hayama Tomohiro1561
6Kawata Mamoru1346
7Kikuchi Daijiro1571
8Maeda Kotaro1417
9WCMMitsuyama Rikka1575
10Morioka Aoi1523
11Mukaida Kenta0
12Namikawa Kumiko1447
13ACMNishida Eito1461
14Noda Ryo1754
15Oi Eudai1508
16Otani Takuya1614
17Sakaue Kaoru1498
18Sato Keito1638
19Sharma Sameer1675
20Shirato Shu1454
21Suzuki Tomoji1526
22Tran Duc Hung Long1780
23Vicentini Alberto1307
24Yamada Atsushi1618
25Yasuno Naoki1746