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4ta edición del Torneo de Ajedrez Escolar del DRD - Infantil (1ro, 2do y 3ro) Casa Del Ajedrez

Last update 23.11.2024 22:45:20, Creator/Last Upload: FEDERACION DE AJEDREZ DE PUERTO RICO

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Starting rank list

1Arocho Miranda, AndreaPUR0Ponce
2Losada Troche, MilanPUR0
3Marti Pacheco, CatalinaPUR0Ponce
4Milan, MikaelPUR0Caguas
5Molina Colon, Evangelyk G.3114775PUR0Ponce
6Morales Rodriguez, AndreaPUR0Ponce
7Negron Nunez, AlondraPUR0Ponce
8Pimentel Texeira, PaulaPUR0Ponce
9Pimentel Texeira, SofiaPUR0Ponce
10Stuart, SeanPUR0San Juan
11Zengotita Amill, JesusPUR0Ponce