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Note :- Under 9 Category is on16th November 2024, Reporting time is 8:30 am, For further details contact Mr. Dhremender Singh Senger 9716837698SHRI R.N.SOOD MEMORIAL INTER SCHOOL CHESS TOURNAMENT Under 9 Girls Վերջին արդիացում16.11.2024 12:17:59, Creator/Last Upload: Rajesh Dhankher
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg | Ակումբ/քաղաք |
1 | | Akshara Maheshwari, | | IND | 0 | MRIS Charmwood |
2 | | Alice Gautam, | | IND | 0 | MVN 17 |
3 | | Alishka Rakheja, | | IND | 0 | SNS |
4 | | Avisha Arya, | | IND | 0 | SNS |
5 | | Mahira Dua, | | IND | 0 | SNS |
6 | | Mishika Mishra, | | IND | 0 | GBN |
7 | | Nia Jain, | | IND | 0 | |
8 | | Prishita Gulati, | | IND | 0 | MVN 17 |
9 | | Swara Bhatia, | | IND | 0 | DAV 14 |
10 | | Tarishi Kedia, | | IND | 0 | DPS 81 |
11 | | Tiara Jain, | | IND | 0 | SNS |
12 | | Yukti, | | IND | 0 | Vidhya Mandir |