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Limerick U1400 2024

Last update 10.11.2024 20:14:23, Creator/Last Upload: Colm O Muireagain

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Starting rank

1O'Brien, Owen213061373
2Comley, Terry215341360
3Nepomiashchyi, Kyrylo218181351
4Brajkovic Jagic, Bozena219621309
5Bharambe, Nevan209261301
6Chandrasekar, Devah211681301
7Williams, Henry211081289
8Rountree, Dawson218211108
9Rajamanohar, Lira Celestia215641096
10Mindhe, Gauri21896978
11Heron, Canice21205975
12Conway, Lexi21859943
13Dhake, Siddhant21940557
14Abdelshafy, Ahmed221280
15Boland, Joey217110
16Byrne, Eli00
17Crowe, David00
18Dhake, Sunit221480
19Duson, Luke00
20Enright, Jamie00
21Finucaine, Julian00
22Grigiatis, Aaron00
23Heydemann, Leonie217511019
24Heydemann, Tobias216241495
25Kelly, Andrew221490
26Keohane, Mark222660
27Keohane, Pearse216770
28Kinnane, Kayleigh00
29Mackevic, Kaja219170
30McMahon, Andrew00
31O'Donnell, Eoghan00
32Olivera, Kaique00
33O'Neill, Sam216720
34Profutkin, Theodore00
35Rog, Anthos00
36Santos, Andrew00
37Shagoyan, Henry222670