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Jamaica College Team Selection 2024-2025

Last update 08.11.2024 04:43:20, Creator/Last Upload: Christopher Anthony Davis

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Starting rank list

1Barnaby, MatthewJAM1000
2Brooks, Dominic7410638JAM1207
3Cameron, DimitriJAM1207
4Chang, Aundrae Jr7406789JAM1480
5Chantrelle, ShailohJAM1700
6Clarke, RasheedJAM1436
7Dawkins, ZaydinJAM1500
8Gayle, Maurice7407548JAM1500
9Graham, Shamir7408110JAM1700
10Gray-Young, NickoyJAM1207
11Harris, ChazJAM1000
12Johnson, JeremyJAM1000
13Jones, Kashka7411405JAM1600
14Kerr, JosephJAM1275
15Levy, Jahson7407777JAM1600
16Mcintosh, Joshua7411448JAM1600
17Patterson, KruzieJAM1470
18Porter, SteveJAM1455
19Williams, Kevin7408242JAM1000
20Wright, DouglasJAM1210