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Copa BCP 2024

Last update 08.11.2024 01:57:09, Creator/Last Upload: Paraguayan Chess Federation

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Starting rank list

1Alderete, Jazmin3701697PAR1716
2Lugo Villalba, Felix Maria3711668PAR1436
3Aliendre, AlexisPAR0
4Benitez, GustavoPAR0
5Contrera, IsaíasPAR0
6Doldán, PatriciaPAR0
7Gomez, AlejandroPAR0
8Gonzalez, DanielPAR0
9Kelly, ChristianPAR0
10Ortiz, OscarPAR0
11Saldivar, DiegoPAR0
12Santos, AlanPAR0
13Silvero, VíctorPAR0
14Vazquez, Aditardo3703312PAR0
15Vera, CarlosPAR0