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Scottish Women's Championships U1600

Last update 10.11.2024 19:37:32, Creator/Last Upload: Scotland chess federation (License 3)

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Starting rank list

1Reid, Caitlin2405059SCO1359RS
2Dimitriou, Emilia2415836SCO1355HA
3Mccusker, Kirsty2404397SCO1298HA
4Grant, Glynis2404478SCO1179DL
5Kindeur, Melinda2414430SCO1016DL
6Hunt, Angharad2410087SCO873ER
7Gaikwad, Netra2413973SCO676LZ
8Gaikwad, Reina2413981SCO619LZ
9Al Dakl Alla, Maria2410834SCO587LZ
10Hagan, Theresa2414511SCO587HA
11Hordopolova, Sofiia2416514SCO0