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Torneo de Ajedrez San Juan del Sur 2024 Sub 16

Last update 10.11.2024 21:53:14, Creator/Last Upload: Fabricio Gonzalez Pereira

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Starting rank

1Espinoza Guerrero, Felix Alberto6104762NCA1910
2Aburto Aguilar, Maria CristianNCA0
3Cruz Mercado, JoelNCA0
4Espinoza Barrios, Marelys CristinaNCA0
5Flores Ruiz, MoisesNCA0
6Mercado Cruz, Joel JafehNCA0
7Monjarret Noguera, Andres SebastianNCA0
8Bojorge, Edwin RamsesNCA0
9Sequeira Vasquez, Cristhoper JesusNCA0
10Sevilla Fonseca, OrlandoNCA0
11Soza Funez, Abigail EsmeraldaNCA0