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Lahore, KCC Iqbal Day WOMEN'S Chess Tournament, 2024

Last update 13.11.2024 17:33:19, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Federation of Pakistan-Official

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Starting rank list

1Hafiza, Mashal Rashid7808844PAK1800
2Syeda, Minahil Abdul Rahman7834276PAK1547
3Qamar, Hafsa7817010PAK1447
4WCMAayat, Asmi7810776PAK1439
5Chaudhry, Mysha Furqan,7817037PAK0
6Hajra Ahmed,7829302PAK0
7Menahil Bilal,7832850PAK0
8Sidra Aziz Hashmi,7837550PAK0
9Taskeen Waqar,7832737PAK0