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2e Tournoi du mardi à Laval section B

Last update 04.12.2024 04:20:30, Creator/Last Upload: Léchiquier Stratégique

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Starting rank list

1Tavernier, Jean24423CAN1553
2Duplessis, Claude20880CAN1551
3Tohon, Honestson Mellit Shalom114614CAN1495
4Gauthier, Luc36797CAN1487
5Toussaint, Claude77861CAN1463
6Gauthier-Raymond, Denis86466CAN1443
7Mougeot-Gomes, Nicolas110450CAN1426
8Matte, Jean-Michel109553CAN1424
9Laktionov, Tymur114619CAN1423
10Maurice, Mathieu109469CAN1413
11Altalli, Ziad114664CAN1407
12Girard, Jayson114710CAN1396
13Al Aranji-Rouleau, Simon112366CAN1338
14Fodil, Abderrahmane108627CAN1338
15Menard, Marc24221CAN1330
16Rebhi, Mohamed106996CAN1326
17Chira, Dan106309CAN1316
18Ross, François102070CAN1282
19Labelle, Ronald112906CAN1231
20Mcwilliams, Brian113938CAN1231
21Lafontaine-Grenier, Olivier112944CAN1221
22Dupuy, Guillaume99945CAN0
23Bachand, Etienne110068CAN0