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GX Alekhine Open de Outono em semi-rápidas (25min+10s) - 6/12 e 7/12

Last update 04.12.2024 23:50:25, Creator/Last Upload: Portuguese Chess Federation (Licence 58)

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Starting rank

1Silva, Lourenço Santa Clara Costa Reb1971344POR1940SenGx Alekhine
2Fonseca, Pedro Miguel Ramos Da1955624POR1936SenVitória Sc
3Amões, Francisco Ekuikui Da Silva1924613POR1894SenGx Alekhine
4Vlug, Arthur1072854NED1894SenClube Peões Da Caparica
5Lopes, João Pedro Gonçalves1902210POR1860S65Gx Alekhine
6Vedor, Bernardo Marques1953540POR1726SenGx Alekhine
7Seia, João Manuel Barradas Aragão1903616POR1689S65Gx Alekhine
8Gonçalves, Carlos Manuel Marques1912879POR1678S50Cac Pontinha
9Ribeiro, João Maria Viana Appleton Camp119105350POR1638SenCa Campo De Ourique
10Wang, Nuno Yujie1980823CHN1596SenGx Alekhine
11Maissa, Susana Flora Cesana1954202POR1536wS50Cac Pontinha
12Guedes, Rui Pedro Dos Santos1916084POR1417S50Axportugal