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InterNúcleo G2 Jaqueira

Last update 05.11.2024 13:50:10, Creator/Last Upload: avneraa

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Starting rank

1Ana Leticia Batista de Souza Ven,BRA06B
2Clara Gondim Melo Cunha,BRA08C
3Daniel da Rosa Silva,BRA08B
4Guilherme Fidelis,BRA06B
5Iolanda Felinto Cavalcanti,BRA06A
6Joao Carvalho,BRA08B
7Joao Cavalcanti,BRA06A
8Lara Moury Fernandes,BRA06A
9Maria Eduarda Dantas de Souza,BRA06A
10Miguel Baracho Domicio,BRA06B
11Yago Dasaev Soares Almeida da Co,BRA06A