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Posledná aktualizácia 05.11.2024 15:34:23, Creator/Last Upload: WACANA_2023

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Štartová listina

1NMHans Pusung,INA0
2NMKifly Pakaya,INA0
3PMIwan Dunggio,INA0
4Alex Pusung,INA0
5Hard Ruusen,INA0
6Artje Wolla,INA0
7Brusly Tambayong,INA0
8Cullen Paruntu,INA0
9Ely Pusung,INA0
10Ica Maringka,INA0
11Jeffry Saikat,INA0
12Jimy Akay,INA0
13Oscar Rondonuwu,INA0
14Reki Lumombo,INA0
15Ricky Mapanawang,INA0
16Rudy Potale,INA0
17Rudy Tumion,INA0
18Stenly Rotty,INA0
19Veky Tenda,INA0
20Wisely Sumakul,INA0