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Last update 23.11.2024 22:35:51, Creator/Last Upload: Rogério Kester

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Starting rank

1 Achilles Saraiva NascimentoCRUZEIRO DO SUL
2 Ahrmed MamedPROF JONAS
3 Arthur CasasPROF JONAS
4 Arthur EmanuelPROF JONAS
5 Davi Del Piero NunesPROF ALESSANDRO
6 Davi Mantovani RossiPROF ALESSANDRO
7 Demetrius RamosPROF JONAS
8 Flavio Huang Amorim de OliveiraCRUZEIRO DO SUL
9 Gabriel Forechi MoreiraPROF ALESSANDRO
10 Gabriel Lucas da Silva Marques
11 Gabriel SalesPROF JONAS
12 Guilherme Selvatici da VitoriaPROF ALESSANDRO
13 Gustavo PradoPROF JONAS
14 Hiago Dos Santos Andrade
15 Luidi YarzonPROF JONAS
16 Luis Eduardo SilveiraPROF JONAS
17 Richard calebe de Jesus CotaPROF NEURISMAR
18 Rodrigo de Souza Lima
19 Vinicius de Amorim FurtadoPROF KENEDY
20 Yvan Lukas Bertoldo AraujoPROF NEURISMAR