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Copa Sinopense de Xadrez Clássico 2024

Last update 02.12.2024 19:29:02, Creator/Last Upload: Ricardo Oliveira

Starting rank list of players

3Guedes, Weslley de Oliveira44721790BRA1800
1Pauli, Osmar44751354BRA1800
11Siqueira, Eduardo Tsuyoshi M44718837BRA1800
9Berton, Vitor Hugo44702973BRA1699
5Cicuto, Marcelo Cezar22784870BRA1687
8NMOliveira, Olavo Tadeu Carvalho22720286BRA1687
7Haubert, Roberto Camargo22780777BRA1674
12NMDe Oliveira, Tobias Luiz Carvalho22764429BRA1652
10Vargas, Roberto Carlos Melgarejo2100762BRA1636
6Da Silva, Marcelo Batista22799621BRA1605
4Vincenzi, Mateus22780874BRA1589
13CNMVolpato, Alzir2163934BRA1409
2MIleski, Vergilio MartinsBRA0
14Riva, Rodrigo AthaydeBRA0