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Final Circuito Sergipano de Xadrez Online

Seinast dagført06.11.2024 01:11:27, Creator/Last Upload: Carlos Viana

Byrjanarlisti eftir Elo

7Arthur, Ruiz PatrocloBRA2365GMS
10Fábio, Marcel Bezerra WanderleyBRA2234GMS
8Lucas, Dos Anjos AssisBRA2161CMS
5Angledson, Kelisson Leite EneasBRA2049CMS
6Yang, De Noronha OliveiraBRA2040
2Arthur, Gabriel Arlindo Dantas RodriguBRA2035CMS
9Matheus, Teles Barreto GonçalvesBRA2027MJS
1Edvaldo, Brasil Da SilvaBRA2018CMS
3Wanderlandson, Lima Leite MenezesBRA1973
4Fabrício, Ferreira Silva SalesBRA1900