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Torneo Interno de Ajedrez - STJ Intermedio

Last update 01.11.2024 20:20:59, Creator/Last Upload: Paraguayan Chess Federation

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Starting rank list

1Ángulo Taveira, RafaelaPAR0
2Barrios Delvalle, Jimena AlejandraPAR0
3Benitez Penayo, FrancoPAR0
4Berenguer, FabrizioPAR0
5Brugiati Travi, MateoPAR0
6Cenedesi, DavidPAR0
7Dubarry, SofiaPAR0
8Escobar, JosePAR0
9Fernández Paredes, Rosa MarietaPAR0
10Meyer, AureliaPAR0
11Meyer, CeliaPAR0
12Morel Galeano, Santino AlejandroPAR0
13Patiño, David de JesúsPAR0
14Rodriguez Dimodigo, RafaelaPAR0
15Spiess, FedericoPAR0
16Vizier, JuanPAR0