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PRÓ XADREZ | Clube de Xadrez da Grande Florianópolis Blitz 5+2 01/11/2024

Last update 05.12.2024 01:05:14, Creator/Last Upload: Pró Xadrez

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Starting rank list

1João Mariot, VazBRA1940
2Mark Scheer, FranzenBRA1615
3Giannini Tonial, KinakiBRA1552
4Joaquim Mathias Esteche, GuizoniBRA1475
5Nicolas Tonial, KrukBRA1459
6Rodolfo, FogaçaBRA1448
7Rodrigo Deschamps, BenfattiBRA1400
8Davi de Moura, MeloBRA1568
9Tsuyoko Fernanda Justiniano, FloresBRA1410
10Luis Fernando Justiniano, FloresBRA2023