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7th ACA Classical Chess Tournament- Closed Event | 3-11 November 2024

Last update 11.11.2024 18:42:59, Creator/Last Upload: Arjun's Chess Academy.

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Starting rank list

1AFMNavaneet, Sreekanth33396868IND1765
2AIMRishi, N25942425IND1754
4Khush, Dholaria25942131IND1612
5AFMNyrav, Gopalakrishnan48798398IND1542
6ACMNirvaan, Ashish Modi33368929IND1529
7Aradhy, Roy88166325IND1506
8Kanushi, Kishore33355274IND1467
9Noel, Abraham Punnoose33481334IND1452
10Jishnu, Balajee Meenu48744972IND0