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For a few years now, Riverside Private School has proudly integrated chess as a compulsory subject for students from Grade R to Grade 7. This initiative has consistently promoted critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and academic excellence.We are now thrilled to host our first annual Chess Day, aimed at boosting student engagement and encouraging a competitive spirit.

Riverside Private School First Annual Chess Day 2024 U10 GIRLS

Last update 01.11.2024 12:03:26, Creator/Last Upload: Namibia Chess-Federation

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Starting rank list

1!Gaoses, MiaNAM0RPS
2Amadhila, AnnaNAM0RPS
3Carolus, PeylonNAM0RPS
4Dhila, GraceNAM0RPS
5Guriras, VivaciousNAM0RPS
6Hamunyela, JenniferNAM0RPS
7Herman, ZoeNAM0RPS
8Kamatuka, MuhupuaNAM0RPS
9Kapipilo, MaganoNAM0RPS
10Kaufilwa, TeahNAM0RPS
11Kaune, VeseuapiNAM0RPS
12Klukoswki, AveryNAM0RPS
13McClune, ElizabethNAM0RPS
14Meyer, CataleyaNAM0RPS
15Mukono, CalinNAM0RPS
16Mutenda, NsalaNAM0RPS
17Nalisa, NoraNAM0RPS
18Nampweya, JasmineNAM0RPS
19Ngula, LettyNAM0RPS
20Niigambo, RuusaNAM0RPS
21Nowases, LaylahNAM0RPS
22Nuuyoma, LineaNAM0RPS
23Purtova, ReginaNAM0RPS
24Rautenbach, ShekinahNAM0RPS
25Rickerts, ShilohNAM0RPS
26Saunderson, WilantheaNAM0RPS
27Shikongo, JenniferNAM0RPS
28Shikongo, JenniferNAM0RPS
29Shilongo, GraceNAM0RPS
30Swartz, GaudiaNAM0RPS
31Uises, DantagoNAM0RPS
32Van Der Merwe, ChloeNAM0RPS