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REG First Rapid Chess Tournament Nov 24 ( Unrated )

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony03.11.2024 19:53:11, Creator/Last Upload: Sonylizz

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1Mohnish Balamurugan251487701604ICSK
2Nihal Saheer5310120861531Indian Learners Own Academy
3Kevin Jerry Alwyn881018431499Indian School of Excellence
4Aadhi Ratheesh0ICSK
5Aaditya Biju881883960Indian Learners Own Academy
6Aaryan Pillai0India International School,Mangaf
7Abel Joseph0United International Indian School
8Abel Kalayil Benny4290857210U12Smart Indian School
9Adel Joseph0U12United International Indian School
10Adhvik Ajay0U12United International Indian School
11Adon Joseph0U12United International Indian School
12Ahmed Ahyan3170302010U10IES Bhavans
13Akshaj Ajay Krishnan0U10United International Indian School
14Akshith Cheekati4290114180U10Indian Learners Own Academy
15Arwin Linto0United International Indian School
16Athulya Ramesh0wU12Indian Educational School
17Ayona Litto0Carmel School
18Dennis John0U10ICSK
19Devapriya Deepak0wSmart Indian School
20Eden George Eldho0U10Carmel School
21Elijah Mathew Tharakan0U12United International Indian School
22Evaan Gervasis Siby0U12United International Indian School
23Gautham Shankar Alumkandi0U12United International Indian School
24Gautham Vinod0U12Gulf Indian school fahaheel
25Govind Murali0IES Bhavans
26Haasini Ramesh0wU10Indian Educational School
27Habib Ahmad Khan0U10United International Indian School
28Jacob Arun Mathew0U12Indian Learners Own Academy
29Jaswvin Arunprasadh0U10Smart Indian School
30Jeron Jiss0U12Indian Central School
31Johan Abraham0U12Indian Learners Own Academy
32Johan John Toms0U10Indian Central School
33Juan Rose Sebastian0wU12United International Indian School
34Karthik Krishna0U12ILOA
35Leo Johnson0Indian Learners Own Academy
36Michael Jacob0U12United International Indian School
37Mohamed Iqbal0Indian Learners Own Academy
38Neerav Sujith0U12Indian English Acedamy
39Nihanth Suresh Kumar0U10IES Bhavans
40Niranjana Anoop Karal0U12ICSK
41Nivedita Menon0wU12Indian Central School
42Noel Rohan Jacob0United International Indian School
43Ryan Beno Joseph0United International Indian School
44Saanvika Sunil0wU10Indian Learners Own Academy
45Sidharth Syam0U10United International Indian School
46Sreeshastav Sreejith0U10Indian Learners Own Academy
47Vaibhav Dheeraj0IES Bhavans
48Wilfred George Chitlapulli0India International School,Mangaf