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Semifinal del Campeonato Nacional por Equipos 2024 - OPEN

Last update 11.11.2024 02:02:01, Creator/Last Upload: Yolys Rondon

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Final Ranking after 6 Rounds

Rk.SNoTeamGames  +   =   -  TB1  TB2  TB3  TB4  TB5 
24Peaky Blinders650110190114,587
32P64 Elite6411918,50111,588
43Chess Logistic6411918096,581,5
57P64 Nationals6411916,5010590
710P64 Torres en Fuego6402815071,583,5
88Maestrain Team 20246321815067,578,5
911P64 Peshk I Vogël6312715,5076,573,5
109Pedro Valdez6312715,5072,573
115Anarchy Chess6312714,5072,585,5
1212P64 La Granja6231713,5283,584,5
1317Royal Chess Pretorianos6312713,5071,578
1432UTP Estudiantes6231712,505968,5
1529Royal Chess Legionarios6312712,505070
1621Kuna Yala631271225678
1730P64 Helheim631271204669,5
1820Alef Cero6312710,503971
2024P64 Passed Pawns6303612,503673
2113P64 Classic6222612051,571,5
2219Profesores y Egresados de la UTP 2024522161105453,5
2327Smile Factory Kings622261003976
2431Smile Factory Warriors622269,5031,565,5
2623P64 Generations6213511042,571
2718Bocas Silver6213510,504975
2833Torre de Dama Juvenil6132510046,567,5
2940Smile Factory Challengers5104410,5033,556
3025Club Fernando Orta C3620441003466,5
3137P64 CSKA Spartak612341003459,5
3228Club Pro Ajedrez de Colon (PROAC)620441002859
3314Torre de Dama612349,5027,563
3422Elite Horse Golden Warrios60424903666,5
3526P64 Fresh Team620449031,568,5
3636P64 Caballos de Troya61234802058
3735P64 Knightmares61143802156
3839P64 Los Maestros del Movimiento611437,5026,567
3938P64 Los Leones610525,5010,557
4034Black Horse60151601952

Tie Break1: Matchpoints (2 for wins, 1 for Draws, 0 for Losses)
Tie Break2: points (game-points)
Tie Break3: The results of the teams in then same point group according to Matchpoints
Tie Break4: Olympiad-Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break without lowest result (Chennai)
Tie Break5: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (sum of team-points of the opponents)