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CapExpress Blitz Capechecs 2024 Groupe 4

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony03.11.2024 17:38:38, Creator/Last Upload: IA Laurent FREYD

Sortowanie zawodników wg Elo

1IMVlachos, Anatole26093189GRE2461
5FMKuhn, Clement36099775FRA2354
3FMPichon, Ewen45155593FRA2279
2Domenech, Vianney656089FRA2209
8FMErnst, Luca45117055FRA2196
7Deladerriere, Apollo36097918FRA2108
6FMDubreuil, Julien621285FRA2096
4Lauron, Wesley36012769FRA1959