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CapExpress Blitz Capechecs 2024 Groupe 3

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony03.11.2024 17:38:24, Creator/Last Upload: IA Laurent FREYD

Sortowanie zawodników wg Elo

8GMSivuk, Vitaly14116502SWE2519
4IMBarseghyan, Harutyun13304585FRA2438
2GMHaub, Thorsten Michael4610776GER2332
6IMDushyant, Sharma25065130IND2325
3Cassam-Chenai, Antoine36087866FRA2231
7FMBreuil, Tristan45163685FRA2226
1FMKrishnan, Ritvik45055297IND2206
5Burgalat, Eliot36068659FRA2035