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Last update 30.10.2024 17:32:51, Creator/Last Upload: Carlos Viana

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Starting rank list

1Anderson, 3° UBRA1900
2Daianne E., 1°BBRA1900
3David Caio, 9°ABRA1900
4Gabriel Alves, 1°BBRA1900
5Gabrielly, 3° UBRA1900
6Italo dos Stos, 2° UBRA1900
7Iurick, 3° UBRA1900
8Jean Victor, 1°BBRA1900
9Karla V., 2° UBRA1900
10Lerranderson, 3°UBRA1900
11Levy de Meira, 9°BBRA1900
12Levy Gabriell, 8°BBRA1900
13Lucas da Silva, 1°BBRA1900
14Moisés, 3° UBRA1900
15Paulo Jeferson, 9°BBRA1900
16Robert Ant., 1°BBRA1900
17Rychard Levy, 1°BBRA1900
18Sayonara, 1°BBRA1900
19Vinicius H., 1° BBRA1900
20Vitor Cauã, 7°BBRA1900
21Wadlen, 3°UBRA1900
22Hebert, 3UBRA0