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USKU-Novemberturnier 2024 3. Bewerb der Monats-Turnierserie 2024/25

Last update 14.11.2024 21:26:46, Creator/Last Upload: USK Uttendorf i. Pzg.

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Starting rank list

1Schöpf, Gerhard1131611871S50Uttendorf
2Grundner, Alois1041721801S65Uttendorf
3Thurner, Michael1149701771S50Uttendorf
4Scharler, Walter1125661769S65Uttendorf
5Schöpf, Patrick1131631752Uttendorf
6Kreuzer, Gerhard1075081607S50Uttendorf
7Holzmann, Martin1359311543Piesendorf
8Gumz, Edward1405841331U14Uttendorf
9West, Harry146159991U14Uttendorf
10Gumz, Lewis141196990U12Uttendorf
11Ensmann, Günther00S50Mittersill
12Hartl, Maximilian00U12Uttendorf
13Kirchner, Martin1433230S50Uttendorf
14Nutten, Richard1460730S50Uttendorf
15Scherzer, Walter00S65Stuhlfelden
16Schnöll, Sepp00S65Mittersill
17Wimmer, Paul00S65Stuhlfelden