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Last update 29.10.2024 23:17:49, Creator/Last Upload: Carlos Viana

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Starting rank list

1Alberto Nunes, 6°BBRA1900
2Alessandro, 7°BBRA1900
3André Ariel, 6°ABRA1900
4Anthonny dos Stos, 6°BBRA1900
5Antony Daniel, 6°BBRA1900
6Breno, 7°BBRA1900
7Bruno Ricardo, 7°BBRA1900
8Carlos Henrique, 8°BBRA1900
9Celso de Jesus, 8°BBRA1900
10Cleony Alves, 6°BBRA1900
11David Antony, 7°BBRA1900
12Enzo Matheus, 6°BBRA1900
13Erick Eduardo, 6°ABRA1900
14Icaro Luan, 7°BBRA1900
15Igor Samuel, 6°BBRA1900
16Isaque Samuel, 6°BBRA1900
17Ítalo Ray, 6°BBRA1900
18João Lucas, 6°ABRA1900
19João Pedro, 7°BBRA1900
20José Gabriel, 7°ABRA1900
21José Henrique, 6°ABRA1900
22Kelvin, 6°BBRA1900
23Kevin, 6°BBRA1900
24Leonardo Rener, 8°ABRA1900
25Levy Andrey, 6°ABRA1900
26Loan Guilherme, 7°ABRA1900
27Luan Guilerme, 7°BBRA1900
28Luciano da Silva, 7°ABRA1900
29Luis F. Menezes, 6°ABRA1900
30Luis Otávio, 7°ABRA1900
31Luiz Eduardo, 6°BBRA1900
32Luiz Fernando, 7°ABRA1900
33Luiz Gustavo, 7°ABRA1900
34Márcio, 7°BBRA1900
35Marcio Kevin, 6°ABRA1900
36Mateus Lacerda, 6°ABRA1900
37Matheus Ruan, 8°ABRA1900
38Maykon, 8°BBRA1900
39Murilo André, 6°ABRA1900
40Nycollas Benjamin, 8°BBRA1900
41Robertt, 8°ABRA1900
42Rodrigo, 7°BBRA1900
43Ruan Gabriel, 6°ABRA1900
44Thayslan Gonzaga, 6°ABRA1900
45Vandeson, 8°BBRA1900
46Wallavi, 6°BBRA1900