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2do Torneo Interno COLAM

Last update 11.11.2024 23:19:11, Creator/Last Upload: Eduardo Aguilar Monterrosas

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Starting rank list

1Valdes, Gomez AlejandroMEX1668Coahuila
2Valencia Castro, Patrizio29651140MEX1584
3Delgado, Lopez Jorge Augusto29647916MEX1521Coahuila
4Juangorena, Castillo EnriqueMEX1487
5Calderon, Sanchez Mariano29647886MEX1483Coahuila
6Carrillo, Leos Luis Alonso29647908MEX1481Coahuila
7Flores, Escobedo Luis AlbertoMEX1479Coahuila
8Luna, Martinez Miguel Alejandro29657547MEX1460Coahuila
9Rosales Guevara, Isabel29643678MEX1459
10Valdes, Torres Valeria29618665MEX1458
11Rodriguez, Esquivel Marcelo29648130MEX1450Coahuila
12Garcia Davila, Jose Armando29657423MEX1416
13Valdes, Torres David Humberto29618657MEX1400
14Valencia Castro, Carlos29657580MEX1400
15Alvarado Aguirre, OliverMEX0
16Espino Izquierdo, AlejandroMEX0
17Ferland Flores, FabioMEX0
18Galindo Ramos, HeribertoMEX0
19Halin, DoMEX0
20Juarez Garcia, JesusMEX0
21Mercado Flores, AndresMEX0
22Mitri Alvarez, Juan CarlosMEX0
23Padron Gonzalez, SantiagoMEX0
24Rodriguez Garcia, David TadeoMEX0
25Rodriguez Teniente, Simon EmilianoMEX0
26Vasquez Gutierrez, Mario AlejandroMEX0