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For a few years now, Riverside Private School has proudly integrated chess as a compulsory subject for students from Grade R to Grade 7. This initiative has consistently promoted critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and academic excellence.We are now thrilled to host our first annual Chess Day, aimed at boosting student engagement and encouraging a competitive spirit.

Riverside Private School First Annual Chess Day 2024 U14 GIRLS

Last update 01.11.2024 12:12:42, Creator/Last Upload: Namibia Chess-Federation

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Starting rank list

1Cloete, KeyshiaNAM0RPS
2Dhila, AuneNAM0RPS
3Goases, TiaNAM0RPS
4Gumpo, NalediNAM0RPS
5Haipinge, EbbieNAM0RPS
6Izaaks, JaylenNAM0RPS
7Kandanga, Bri-JahnNAM0RPS
8Kasete, AviheNAM0RPS
9Kotze, LaylaNAM0RPS
10Lyners, KendallNAM0RPS
11Mupambwa, ZowieNAM0RPS
12Seas, AriannaNAM0RPS
13Shikongo, JaneNAM0RPS
14Toolu, AnnaNAM0RPS
15Uwites, DaniellaNAM0RPS
16Van der Merwe, Halle-AnnNAM0RPS