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For a few years now, Riverside Private School has proudly integrated chess as a compulsory subject for students from Grade R to Grade 7. This initiative has consistently promoted critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and academic excellence.We are now thrilled to host our first annual Chess Day, aimed at boosting student engagement and encouraging a competitive spirit.

Riverside Private School First Annual Chess Day 2024 U12 BOYS

Last update 01.11.2024 12:07:48, Creator/Last Upload: Namibia Chess-Federation

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Starting rank list

1Banda, DanteNAM0RPS
2Emuno, JohannesNAM0RPS
3Erasmus, SantiagoNAM0RPS
4Goliath, GilroyNAM0RPS
5Guruseb, RielNAM0RPS
6Haipinge, EssonNAM0RPS
7January, MassimoNAM0RPS
8Kampweya, KephasNAM0RPS
9Kruger, WallaceNAM0RPS
10Martin, ZaheerNAM0RPS
11Martinus, RamiroNAM0RPS
12McKay, LochlanNAM0RPS
13Ndafelai, NollenNAM0RPS
14Nkwali, GwibaNAM0RPS
15Shipena, PanduleniNAM0RPS