

For a few years now, Riverside Private School has proudly integrated chess as a compulsory subject for students from Grade R to Grade 7. This initiative has consistently promoted critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and academic excellence.We are now thrilled to host our first annual Chess Day, aimed at boosting student engagement and encouraging a competitive spirit.

Riverside Private School First Annual Chess Day 2024 U8 GIRLS

最后更新01.11.2024 11:51:05, 创建者/最新上传: Namibia Chess-Federation

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1Bertolini, TaliyahNAM0w2ARPS
2Dhila, FransinaNAM0wRRPS
3Engelbrecht, AlexisNAM0w1BRPS
4Frans, DeltaNAM0w2ARPS
5Franz, ZenithNAM0w2BRPS
6Goliath, ScarlettNAM0w1BRPS
7Hambili, AngelaNAM0w2BRPS
8Hamuneyla, DivineNAM0w3BRPS
9Hangula, NdapandulaNAM0w1ARPS
10Hoabes, HatagoNAM0w1ARPS
11Kaune, AtjiheNAM0w2ARPS
12Madembo, MoregraceNAM0w3ARPS
13Massipa, NdahafaNAM0wRRPS
14Meyer, MiaNAM0w2ARPS
15Mogotsi, BokaloNAM0w2BRPS
16Mupambwa, ZeldaNAM0w2ARPS
17Nhiwatiwa, TapuwaNAM0w1BRPS
18Nyau, SaaraNAM0w1BRPS
19Olibile, FaithNAM0w1ARPS
20Shapumba, IndilaNAM0wRRPS
21Shilongo, NelagoNAM0w1ARPS
22Shipanga, KrystineNAM0w2ARPS
23Shiponeni, NdapandaNAM0w2BRPS
24Wagner, EzsterNAM0w1BRPS
25Zhang, YiyiNAM0w1ARPS