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Late P.S.Adhikari Memorial Chess Competition-2024 (OPEN)

Last update 05.11.2024 12:35:34, Creator/Last Upload: vlanandh

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Starting rank list

1Ajeet Kumar Yadav,IND0A-1510
2Alok Dalakoti,IND0433/07
3Anil Kumar,IND0A-1848
4Bhavesh Chandra Bhatt,IND0B-1771
5Chandra Prakash,IND0C-1546
7Devendra Kumar,IND0D-1936
8Dheeraj Joshi,IND0D-1744
9Dinesh Chauhan,IND0D-192
10Gaurav Paliwal,IND0G-1934
11Harshit Bisht,IND0
12Irum Zeba,IND0I-1545
13Jagdish Chandra Joshi,IND0J-1318
14Milinda Sharma,IND0K-1455
17Manoj Joshi,IND0M-1334
18Narendra Bali,IND0N-368
19Nisha Dhami,IND0
22Pawan Mishra,IND0P-482
23Pradeep Chamyal,IND0P-575
24Pramod Kumar,IND0P-1649
25Prem Kaushal,IND0P-484
26Devang Dobal,IND0
27Rajneesh Chauhan,IND0R-1389
28Rakshit Joshi,IND0R-1251
29Sachin Mehta,IND0S-527
30Sayed Nadim 'Moon',IND0
31Shashank Upadhyaya,IND0S-919
32Shazia Parveen,IND0S-1653
33Siddarth Bankoti,IND0S-1232
34Sunil Upadhyay,IND0S-687
35Tarun Prakash Singh Takuli,IND0T-530
36Umesh Pahwa,IND0
37Unnati Pant,IND0U-1499
38Veer Kunwar Singh,IND0V-462
39Vibhor Tiwari,IND0V-1836
40Vinodanand Barthwal,IND0V-907
41Vishwaketu Vaidya,IND0V-1655