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Guam School Championship Under 11

Last update 28.10.2024 09:31:24, Creator/Last Upload: Guam Echecs

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Starting rank list

1Alig Jr, Franklin0St John's Episcopal School
2Arreglado, Althea Rose Tabing0SIFA
3Balbin, Nicolette0Harvest Christian Academy
4Combs, Daniel0Harvest Christian Academy
5De Vera, Jacob0iLearn Academy Charter School
6Enaje, Lyric0SIFA
7Fee, William0St John's Episcopal School
8Grossley, Gabriel0Untalan Middle School
9Hagen, Layne0Saint Anthony Catholic School
10Ishida, Louis0St John's Episcopal School
11Justo, Alexis Rian0St.Paul Christian School
12Justo, James Marcus0iLearn Academy Charter School
13Kim, Andrew0St John's Episcopal School
14Kim, Seungmin0St John's Episcopal School
15Li Long, David0Saint Anthony Catholic School
16Mateo, Javian0Saint Anthony Catholic School
17Nagal, Victoria0Saint Anthony Catholic School
18Nelson, Ashtin0Astumbo Middle School
19Perez, Happi-Tears0SIFA
20Perez, Robert Wei0Saint Anthony Catholic School
21Quejadas, Jayver0Astumbo Elementary School
22Reel, Prince0Saint Anthony Catholic School
23Seidel, Alaric0Saint Anthony Catholic School
24Stafford Jr, Jonathan0Andersen Middle School
25Takahashi, Sophia0Saint Anthony Catholic School
26Taman, Austin0SIFA
27Tenorio, Grayson0
28Testa, Toni0Saint Anthony Catholic School
29Tiurin, Yaroslav0Harvest Christian Academy
30Tran, Tiffany0Harvest Christian Academy
31Valencia, Willa0Saint Anthony Catholic School
32Wang, Tyler0Harvest Christian Academy
33Whitsitt, Dylan0St John's Episcopal School
34Whitsitt, Grady0St John's Episcopal School
35Wu, Jason0St John's Episcopal School