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24 th Algerian Championship U16 Open

Last update 25.06.2013 18:02:01, Creator/Last Upload: Algerian+C1552

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Starting rank list

1Ouaret AbdelouhabALG1838
2Saidi BoumedienneALG1773
3Bensadi LotfiALG1757
4Achour AnisALG0
5Aoughlis BadisALG0
6Belkacem Walid RostomALG0
7Bensari AdelALG0
8Bensari IslamALG0
9Bouchouche AmineALG0
10Bouhadi AbderrahimALG0
11Cherifi RazikALG0
12Djeghdjegh OussamaALG0
13Guerdad NoureddineALG0
14Kahouadji AbdellahALG0
15Zitouni AliALG0
16Mahieddine OussamaALG0
17Meddour GhilasALG0
18Ould Ramoul Mounir DjawedALG0
19Souilah IhabALG0
20Yettouche MastanabalALG0