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Bhaktapur Municipality Sports Fete-2081 (Chess Compitition Girls' Junior)

Last update 28.10.2024 15:36:47, Creator/Last Upload: Nepal Chess Association

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Starting rank

1Aanshu, Thing Tamang0Medha Ma. Vi.
2Aashika, Khati0Khwopring Eng. S.
3Anjali, Tamang0Shree Nabin Basic S.
4Asha, Laxmi Duwal0Shree Nabin Basic S.
5Ashim, Shrestha0Shree Nabin Basic S.
6Bhawana, Rai0Shree Santati B. S.
7Khusi, Tamang0Bhim Adarsha B. S.
8Kritina, Ghatuwa0Samudayik Eng. S.
9Manisha, Thapa0Bagiswori Sec. S.
10Rajashree, Kusi0Khwopring Eng. S.
11Safina, Lakha0Sooryadaya S. S.