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Guam School Championship Under 15

Last update 28.10.2024 04:19:34, Creator/Last Upload: Guam Echecs

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Starting rank list

1Benzon, Tiffany0Academy of Our Lady of Guam
2Camacho, Natalie0John F. Kennedy High School
3Crowder, Caspian0Island Homeschoolers of Guam
4Mendoza, Michael0John F. Kennedy High School
5Nieto, Ash0Guam High School
6Okamoto, Haruki0John F. Kennedy High School
7Sablan, Kaeden0Father DueƱas memorial school
8Suh, Claire0St John's Episcopal School
9Terlaje, Jared0F.B. Leon Guerrero Middle School
10Torres, Landon0John F. Kennedy High School