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Games every Monday night

2024 Aurora Falling Leaves - Youth Rapid

Last update 03.12.2024 05:10:22, Creator/Last Upload: Canada Chess Federation (Licence 5)

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Starting rank list

1Nguyen, Tristan682Junior Rapid
2Rozen, James500Junior Rapid
3Zhou, Yuxuan (Bella)500Junior Rapid
4Hutcheon, Lucas405Junior Rapid
5(withdrew) Jiang, Ryder300Junior Rapid
6Jiang, Tristan200Junior Rapid
7Kehle De Toledo, Sebastien200Junior Rapid
8Lee, Kai0Junior Rapid
9Lu (no shows), Mark0Junior Rapid
10(withdrew) Shikhman, Danielle0Junior Rapid
11Jin, Marvin0Junior Rapid
12Louis, Jamal205Junior Rapid
13James, Kareem200Junior Rapid
14Huang, Brendan844