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Semi-Final Provincial HOL 2024

Last update 01.11.2024 22:51:38, Creator/Last Upload: AjedrezCubano

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Starting rank list

1Gomez Torres, Richard Daniel3518396CUB2182
2Leyva Almaguer, Orlando3534804CUB2162
3Machin Parra, Leandro3518515CUB2155
4Calzadilla Gonzalez, David Alejan3534839CUB2126
5Acosta Guerrero, Yadel Alejandro3529940CUB2120
6Mac Farlane Patrick, Randy3532011CUB2115
7De La Torre Sanchez, Arian3520960CUB2086
8Escobar Roldan, Jose Luis3518434CUB2012
9Aragon Suarez, Carlos3522873CUB2001
10Gonzalez Pupo, Daniel3518477CUB1978
11Cobas Sanchez, Jorge3518426CUB1977
12Rodriguez Laguna, Alexis3510514CUB1971
13Sanchez Gonzalez, Alejandro Antonio3534340CUB1971
14Quevedo Puron, Noryan3518566CUB1965
15Escobar Galban, Daniel3534782CUB1959
16Diaz Almaguer, Benito3513459CUB1947
17Guisante Perez, Luis Enrique3524060CUB1947
18Rodriguez Fernandez, Yamir3537536CUB1921
19Pratts Guerrero, Alexis3519228CUB1906
20Molina Figueredo, Rafael3520994CUB1887
21Romero Hernandez, Reynaldo3537544CUB1833
22Ortiz Aguilera, Adonis3535134CUB1765
23Cruz Mulet, Yoander3535908CUB1734
24Vega Reyes, Diego Miguel3534383CUB1725
25Diaz Ricardo, Dennis3537609CUB1612