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2024 NUL Chess Club Rapid Chess Championship-Juniors

Last update 09.11.2024 16:48:02, Creator/Last Upload: Monafils

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Starting rank list

1Armaan, MccarthyLES0U12
2Bohlale, LetsoelaLES0U10
3Bulane, MalibaLES0U14
4Fenyane, KamoheloLES0U10
5Khakhane, KananeloLES0U14
6Khoabane, MakhoabaneLES0U14
7Khoabane, ThabisoLES0
8Khotle, KatlehoLES0U12
9Khotle, NalediLES0U10
10Lebaka, RetselisitsoeLES0U10
11Lekholoane, ReabetsoeLES0U12
12Lesela, BatloungLES0U12
13Lesela, GraceLES0U10
14Letsie, FakoLES0U10
15Letsie, JuniorLES0U10
16Letuka, Ts'epoLES0U10
17Mahloane, LisemaLES0U14
18Makoae, MolaoliLES0U10
19Maseela, ThapeloLES0U12
20Matsoso, TebelloLES0U12
21Mohapi, MphoLES0U12
22Moiloa, HlomphoLES0U10
23Mokhameleli, LelokoLES0U14
24Mokitimi, TlotlisangLES0U14
25Mokoma, AbeleLES0U14
26Monyane, MohlabanaLES0U12
27Moorosi, KeketsiLES0U12
28Moorosi, ThatoLES0U12
29Moshesha, ThapeloLES0U10
30Mothibe, BohlokoaLES0U12
31Mothunyane, NthabisengLES0U14
32Mots'oane, TsitsoLES0U14
33'Mutla, BohlokoaLES0U12
34Phafa, Mots'oariLES0
35Phera, HlengiweLES0U10
36Poqa, KatlehoLES0U10
37Ramahapu, ReitumetseLES0U14
38Rampeo, KatlehoLES0U10
39Rants'emelo, LefumaLES0
40Rasephei, JuniorLES0
41Seeiso, MateisiLES0U10
42Sello, LimphoLES0U12
43Thamae, LitebohoLES0U12
44Thamae, MpoetsiLES0U12
45Tshiu, MasiuLES0U14
46Ts'ilo, KananeloLES0U12
47Ts'osane, TiisetsoLES0U10
48Ts'ukulu, NeoLES0U12