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Guam School Championship Under 17

Last update 27.10.2024 12:45:22, Creator/Last Upload: Guam Echecs

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Starting rank list

1Brewster, Landon0Farher Duenas Memorial School
2Combs, Noah0Harvest Christian Academy
3Gatan, Ezekiel0Farher Duenas Memorial School
4Hernandez, Brandon0Luis P Untalan Middle School
5Kim, SamuelGUM0Harvest st Christian Academy
6Manibusan, Johnah0Farher Duenas Memorial School
7Padrique, Sarah0Okkodo High School
8Pedrajas, KateGUM0Harvestst Christian school
9Perez, Kenneth0John F. Kennedy High School
10Rios, MartinGUM0George Washington Highschool
11Tran, Tuan An0Harvest Christian Academy
12Uherhewar, James0John F. Kennedy High School