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Last update 29.10.2024 01:02:58, Creator/Last Upload: Pedro Zambrano

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1Gutierrez Lopez, Juan Roman5109663MEX1632Guanajuato
2Garcia, Canedo Ruben29612799MEX1574Guanajuato
3Garcia, Cortes Rocha Fernando523097469ESP1535Guanajuato
4Sanchez, Torres Dulce Maria29649188MEX1519Guanajuato
5Miranda, Espinos Brandon Ernesto396105270MEX1408Guanajuato
6Lopez Esquivel, Gustavo AngelMEX0Guanajuato
7Medina, Garcia Aaron29669847MEX0Guanajuato
8Ornelas Ortiz, Jadek ZaidMEX0Guanajuato