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Cedis festival saha Finale 2024

Last update 03.11.2024 18:58:42, Creator/Last Upload: Montenegro Chess Federation

Starting rank list of players

10FMDjukanovic, Sreten920304MNE2106
2Abramovic, Dragoljub918776MNE2027
1Sijaric, Alvir16503546MNE1915
6Milovic, Ilija16504330MNE1885
9Vujadinovic, Zeljko910449MNE1863
7Zizic, Djordje16507223MNE1841
8Vesovic, Nebojsa942340MNE1829
3Mosurovic, Milena16505514MNE1816
5AFMKrsikapa, Milos16510232MNE1811
4Lakusic, Zoran16502060MNE1752