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International Tournament of Uige City

Last update 30.06.2013 16:05:48, Creator/Last Upload: Hendrik du Toit

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Starting rank list

1GMGalego Luis1900072POR2488
2IMGwaze Robert11000228ZIM2433
3IMBraga Cicero Nogueira2100118BRA2416
4IMJere Daniel8700249ZAM2386
5FMCawdery Daniel14300249RSA2345
6IMAderito Pedro10100130ANG2323
7FMPascoal Eduardo A10100326ANG2215
8CMMiguel Sergio10100792ANG2215
9IMAgnelo Amorin10100180ANG2197
10FMDomingos Ediberto10100385ANG2195
11IMSousa Armindo10100075ANG2193
12Oliveira Luciano10100431ANG2167
13Calicoca Wilton Inacio14800268MOZ2132