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Swieqi Chess Club Kids Rapids - October 2024

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony16.11.2024 13:48:43, Creator/Last Upload: Malta Chess Federation

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1CMMizzi, Jack5602521MLT1993
2Portelli, Matthew5604931MLT1920
3Pucinskis, Mihails11628855MLT1761
4Yousif, Karl5604770MLT1702
5Kosik, Vince783846HUN1696
6ACMGrima Bongailas, Isaac5604087MLT1679
7Refalo, John5605164MLT1547
8Briffa, Zachary5604737MLT1460
9Strojek, Lars5604478MLT1450
10Kosorukov, Artem5603412MLT1442
11Zahra, Luca5605644MLT1432
12Vella, Wayne5604613MLT1413
13Pace, Zach5604907MLT1405
14Brincat, DejanMLT0
15Kang Di Benedetto, Leonardo5604362MLT0
16Kingsley, Driver343446353MLT0
17Welsh, Jimmy Jay Chev5604532MLT0