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Zolotaia Oseni.U12

Last update 02.11.2024 10:59:41, Creator/Last Upload: Bela Susterman

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Starting rank

1Banina, KaterynaUKR1000Banuh
2Buznea, IustinMDA1000Banuh
3Benea, VictorMDA800Banuh
4Denisov, SamuilMDA800Banuh
5Fostei, BogdanMDA800Crigan
6Ojegova, EcaterinaMDA800Banuh
7Tarnogradschii, MarkMDA800Crigan
8Tirdea, AndreiMDA800Banuh
9Barsov, TimofeiMDA400Vasilieva
10Bordianu, LucianMDA600Crigan
11Gustoi, KirillMDA600Povorozniuc
12Gustoi, VladislavMDA600Vasilieva
13Grigoras, NichitaMDA400Gutol
14Sicailov, DimaMDA400Gutol