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24 th Algerian Championship U18 Girls

Last update 25.06.2013 19:13:22, Creator/Last Upload: Algerian+C1552

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Starting rank

1WCMAbdi Zineb DinaALG1905
2WCMLalaoui FerielALG1733
3Yousfi YasmineALG1658
4Yahiaoui AsmaALG1581
5Ait Kaci SaraALG1234
6Aknine AnyaALG0
7Aouachria RimaALG0
8Aouchiche SabrinaALG0
9Chaabane RomayssaALG0
10Saib SihemALG0
11Toumi LisaALG0