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Segunda Copa Instituto Panamericano 2024 - categoría caballo

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony26.10.2024 22:02:10, Creator/Last Upload: pepecarrillo

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1Acevedo, ValeskaPAN0IPA
2Bulgin, LucasPAN0IPA
3Carrasco, MallaidthPAN0San Agustin Costa Verde
4Duarte, BiancaPAN0Oxford Plaza Edison
5Gamboa Espino, MaximilianoPAN0IPA
6Garrido, JoedPAN0Scala International
7Gilkes, AnnaPAN0IPA
8Gonzalez Palma, Dylan AndresPAN0Instituto Cultural
9Gonzalez Portillo, MatiasPAN0Oxford Plaza Edison
10Gonzalez, SionPAN0IPA
11Gonzalez, Sophia VictoriaPAN0IPA
12Manzane, DylanPAN0San Agustin Costa Verde
13Marino, LautaroPAN0Oxford Plaza Edison
14Nieto, MiaPAN0IPA
15Pasco, DylanPAN0San Agustin Costa Verde
16Pineda, RomanPAN0American School
17Rivera Herrera, Juan DavidPAN0Oxford Plaza Edison
18Rivera, LauraPAN0IPA
19Rojas Valeri, Paul AlejandroPAN0Oxford Plaza Edison
20Saldana Pineda, Jorge AntonioPAN0San Agustin Costa Verde
21Sandoval, ThiagoPAN0Academia Latina
22Tapia, OliverPAN0Oxford Plaza Edison
23Torrealba, SebastianPAN0Oxford Plaza Edison
24Torregrosa, SebastianPAN0Oxford Plaza Edison
25Valdes, WaididilyPAN0Oxford Plaza Edison
26Villalobos, JavierPAN0Oxford Plaza Edison
27Wan, NathaliePAN0San Agustin Costa Verde
28Yaly, AbdielPAN0IPA
29Yuce, Ahmet BaranPAN0Oxford Paseo del Norte
30Yuce, Ali BoranPAN0Oxford Paseo del Norte
31Azuaje, SergioPAN0Oxford Plaza Edison
32Sanchez, RoyPAN0American International