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5ta Edición Liga Universitaria SOMOS LEÓN Varonil

Last update 27.10.2024 02:50:32, Creator/Last Upload: Pedro Zambrano

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Starting rank

1Fernandez, Barbosa Arturo Neftali29614163MEX1741IPN
2Becerra, Lopez Pablo EmilioMEX1637IPN
3Lopez, Araiza Esparza Ricardo AbrahamMEX1635ITL
4Villalpando, Trujillo BryanMEX1619ITL
5Gomez, Aguirre IsraelMEX1607ITL
6Chavez, Navarro Angel Miguel29664900MEX1580UTL
7Marquez, Calzada Tadeo Jesus5157153MEX1542UNITEC
8Herrera, Alvarez Rene TonatiuhMEX1400IPN
9Abascal Gonzalez, Luis AlbertoMEX0LA SALLE
10Alonso Morales, Christopher ArmandoMEX0UTL
11Alvarez Lam, Gad IsraelMEX0UNITEC
12Alvarez Lam, Omar BarucMEX0IPN
13Ambriz Lopez, Luis FidelMEX0IPN
14Becerra Delgado, Luis DanielMEX0UPN
15Estrada Torres, Alan AlexisMEX0UPN
16Gomez Avila, Edwin UrienMEX0IPN
17Guerrero Rios, Humberto IsraelMEX0UPN
18Hernandez Villegas, Marco AntonioMEX0UTL
19Ibarra Jasso, Esteban de JesusMEX0UTL
20Lopez Vidal, Pedro RafaelMEX0IPN
21Mendiola Frausto, Kevin AxelMEX0ITL
22Mireles Cuevas, Fabian De JesusMEX0ITL
23Morua Lopez, Juan EduardoMEX0UTL
24Munoz Montes, Luis GerardoMEX0UTL
25Ruiz Lopez, Jose FabricioMEX0UPN
26Ruiz Villegas, Brandon JulianMEX0ITL
27Silva Munoz, Diego IsraelMEX0UTL
28Torres Franco, Edgar OmarMEX0UPN
29Verona Velazquez, Tadeo VeronaMEX0ITL