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The 18th LSH

Last update 27.10.2024 10:37:44, Creator/Last Upload: Korea Chess Federation

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Starting rank list

1SUNG, Jaehyun26564261794
2CHOI, Hyunbin132113821730
3MEIYAZHAGAN, Kaviinayan3661094751716
4HAN, Yongsu132253081650
5KWON, Jihoo132254301638
6KIM, Taei A132274321570
7GIM, Hajin132172671548
8LEE, Yule132203901528
9AHN, Junmin132240181515
10KIM, Junesun310016611486
11SEO, Yerin132262581482w
12HUR, Jiyu132274751476
13JOI, Woojoo132197821470
14JEONG, Seowon132230381442
15SEOL, Youngjun132201281411
16BANG, Jaeyun132280800
17CHUNG, Yeseo132231780w
18Hwang, Siwoo132295750
19HWANG, Yunseo132227830
20KO, Hyeran132270500w
21LEE, Jisung132204540
22LEE, Rogyeom132132700