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CTE-A Campeonato Táctico y Estratégico de Ajedrez Sub12 Varonil

Last update 27.10.2024 21:02:33, Creator/Last Upload: Pedro Zambrano

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Starting rank

1Ramos, Rebollo EmilioMEX1692Sub-12
2Landaeta, Rosales RodrigoMEX1687Sub-12
3Lopez, Ruiz DanielaMEX1628Guanajuato
4Vilchis, Mares RicardoMEX1626Sub-12
5Martinez, Licea Ana ReginaMEX1600Guanajuato
6Zambrano Rey, Sara Angelina5195489MEX1415
7Cordero, Ramirez Marco DanielMEX0Sub-12
8Delgado, Magana EstebanMEX0Sub-12
9Espinosa, San Roman NeithanMEX0Sub-12
10Gomez, Landeros Juan JoseMEX0Sub-12
11Lopez, Padilla RodrigoMEX0Sub-12
12Ramirez Rodriguez, Luz GabrielaMEX0
13Torres Silis, DiegoMEX0